PHM Commander

Prognostics Health Management (PHM) Software solving the Maintenance Dilemma

PHM Commander as the Basis for Smart Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
Designed for Smooth RUL (Remaining Useful Life) Calculations
•  Universal Tool – PHM tool conducts PHM/RUL calculation across various equipment types
•  Support Trendable and non-Trendable Statistics
PHM approach is a holistic approach to system maintenance based on “Prognostics Health Management” (PHM).
Our unique PHM tool is designed for easy calculation of RUL as the basis for CBM.
PHM Tool Main Features:
•    Data Import Wizard (supporting XML, Excel, CSV)
•    Trendable / Non-Trendable Data
•    Data “Smoothing”
•    Cross Validation
•    Built-in Unique PHM/RUL Algorithms
•    Parameter and Algorithms Set-Up by Users – straight forward and easy to comprehend
•    Report Generator
•    Suitable for both Electronic and Mechanical Equipment
•    The Basis for Smart “Condition Based Maintenance”
PHM Tool Contribution to Maintenance Decision Making:
Radical improvement of equipment reliability, safety and maintainability, KPI’s.
PHM approach is a departure from the traditional manufacturer-driven-maintenance policy practiced today by facilities like MRO and SHOP repairs.

PHM Tool is your basis for prognostics based maintenance policy.

PHM Commander

Our solution supports Data Driven (model free) approach.
Data Driven approach provides the freedom to conduct PHM calculation across various equipment types, making the tool universal while not compromising RUL accuracy.
Our PHM Tool Supports Two Sets of Algorithms:
•    For statistics with “trendability”.
•    For statistics without “trendability”, but with “accumulation”.